The Most Popular Podcasts of the Year

Are you a fan of podcasts? Do you love listening to them while you're commuting, working out, or just relaxing at home? If so, you're not alone! Podcasts have become one of the most popular forms of entertainment in recent years, and there are now thousands of them available on a wide range of topics.

But with so many podcasts to choose from, how do you know which ones are worth your time? That's where we come in! In this article, we'll be taking a look at the most popular podcasts of the year, based on downloads, ratings, and reviews. So sit back, relax, and get ready to discover some amazing new podcasts!

1. The Joe Rogan Experience

If you're a fan of comedy, politics, and pop culture, then you've probably heard of The Joe Rogan Experience. Hosted by comedian and UFC commentator Joe Rogan, this podcast features interviews with a wide range of guests, from celebrities to scientists to politicians.

What makes The Joe Rogan Experience so popular? For one thing, Rogan is an engaging and entertaining host who isn't afraid to ask tough questions. He's also known for his willingness to explore controversial topics and challenge conventional wisdom.

But perhaps the biggest draw of The Joe Rogan Experience is the variety of guests that Rogan brings on the show. From Elon Musk to Bernie Sanders to Neil deGrasse Tyson, there's always someone interesting and insightful to listen to.

2. Serial

If you're a true crime fan, then you've probably already listened to Serial. This podcast, which debuted in 2014, tells the story of the murder of Hae Min Lee and the subsequent trial of her ex-boyfriend Adnan Syed.

What makes Serial so compelling is the way it unfolds like a mystery novel. Each episode reveals new information and raises new questions, keeping listeners on the edge of their seats. And because the story is true, it's all the more gripping.

Serial has been praised for its in-depth reporting and its ability to humanize the people involved in the case. It's also been credited with helping to popularize the true crime genre and inspiring a wave of similar podcasts.

3. Stuff You Should Know

Do you ever find yourself wondering about the most random things? Like, how do vending machines work? Or why do we get brain freeze? If so, then Stuff You Should Know is the podcast for you.

Hosted by Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant, Stuff You Should Know is a lighthearted and informative podcast that explores a wide range of topics, from science to history to pop culture. Each episode is packed with interesting facts and trivia, making it the perfect podcast for anyone who loves to learn.

What sets Stuff You Should Know apart from other educational podcasts is its conversational tone. Clark and Bryant have a great rapport and are always quick with a joke or a witty observation. It's like listening to two friends chat over a cup of coffee.

4. Radiolab

If you're looking for a podcast that will challenge your assumptions and make you think, then Radiolab is the one for you. Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, this podcast explores big ideas and complex issues through a mix of storytelling, interviews, and sound design.

Radiolab covers a wide range of topics, from science to philosophy to politics. But what sets it apart is its commitment to exploring these topics in a way that is both informative and entertaining. Each episode is a journey of discovery, taking listeners on a deep dive into a particular subject.

What makes Radiolab so unique is its use of sound. Abumrad and Krulwich are both skilled audio producers, and they use music, sound effects, and other audio elements to create a rich and immersive listening experience. It's like nothing else you'll hear in the podcast world.

5. My Favorite Murder

True crime fans, rejoice! My Favorite Murder is a podcast that combines two of our favorite things: murder and comedy. Hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, this podcast features the hosts discussing their favorite true crime stories, as well as listener-submitted hometown murders.

What makes My Favorite Murder so popular is the way it balances humor and horror. Kilgariff and Hardstark are both comedians, and they bring a lighthearted and irreverent tone to their discussions of some of the most gruesome crimes in history. But they also take the subject matter seriously and are careful to show respect for the victims and their families.

My Favorite Murder has been praised for its sense of community. The hosts encourage listeners to share their own stories and experiences, and the podcast has spawned a dedicated fan base that calls themselves "Murderinos."

6. The Daily

If you're looking for a podcast that will keep you informed about the news of the day, then The Daily is the one for you. Hosted by Michael Barbaro, this podcast from The New York Times features in-depth reporting and analysis of the biggest stories of the day.

What sets The Daily apart from other news podcasts is its focus on storytelling. Each episode takes a deep dive into a particular story, exploring the people and events behind the headlines. And because it's produced by The New York Times, you can be sure that the reporting is accurate and trustworthy.

The Daily has been praised for its ability to make complex stories accessible to a wide audience. It's also been credited with helping to revive interest in traditional journalism and proving that there is still a hunger for in-depth reporting in the digital age.

7. How I Built This

If you're an entrepreneur or just someone who's interested in business, then How I Built This is the podcast for you. Hosted by Guy Raz, this podcast features interviews with the founders of some of the world's most successful companies, from Airbnb to Spanx to Patagonia.

What makes How I Built This so fascinating is the way it explores the stories behind these companies. Raz is a skilled interviewer who knows how to get his guests to open up about their successes and failures. And because the guests are all entrepreneurs, there are plenty of valuable lessons to be learned about building a successful business.

How I Built This has been praised for its inspiring and motivational tone. It's the perfect podcast for anyone who's looking to start their own business or just wants to learn more about what it takes to succeed in the world of entrepreneurship.

8. The Tim Ferriss Show

If you're looking for a podcast that will help you optimize your life, then The Tim Ferriss Show is the one for you. Hosted by author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss, this podcast features interviews with some of the world's most successful people, from athletes to artists to CEOs.

What makes The Tim Ferriss Show so popular is Ferriss's focus on productivity and self-improvement. He's always looking for new strategies and techniques that can help his listeners achieve their goals and live their best lives. And because his guests are all high achievers, there's plenty of inspiration to be found in each episode.

The Tim Ferriss Show has been praised for its practical advice and its willingness to explore unconventional ideas. Ferriss is always experimenting with new techniques and strategies, and he's not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom. It's the perfect podcast for anyone who's looking to take their life to the next level.

9. Armchair Expert

If you're a fan of Dax Shepard, then you'll love Armchair Expert. This podcast, hosted by Shepard and producer Monica Padman, features interviews with a wide range of guests, from actors to musicians to scientists.

What makes Armchair Expert so engaging is Shepard's natural charisma and humor. He's a skilled interviewer who knows how to put his guests at ease and get them to open up about their lives and careers. And because he's a celebrity himself, there's a sense of camaraderie between him and his guests.

Armchair Expert has been praised for its honesty and vulnerability. Shepard is open about his own struggles with addiction and mental health, and he encourages his guests to be similarly candid. It's the perfect podcast for anyone who's looking for a dose of authenticity in their entertainment.

10. Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend

If you're a fan of Conan O'Brien, then you'll love Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend. This podcast, hosted by the late-night talk show host, features interviews with a wide range of guests, from comedians to actors to musicians.

What makes Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend so entertaining is O'Brien's quick wit and irreverent humor. He's always ready with a joke or a funny observation, and he's not afraid to poke fun at himself or his guests. And because he's a celebrity himself, there's a sense of camaraderie between him and his guests.

Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend has been praised for its lighthearted and fun tone. It's the perfect podcast for anyone who's looking for a break from the serious and the heavy. And with guests like Will Ferrell and Tina Fey, there's always plenty of laughter to be had.


So there you have it, the most popular podcasts of the year! Whether you're a true crime fan, a business enthusiast, or just someone who loves to learn, there's a podcast out there for you. So why not give one of these podcasts a try and see what all the fuss is about? Who knows, you might just discover your new favorite podcast!

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed

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